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Create your member application form

How to create the form that you use to import members and their info to your program

Shelby Baldwin avatar
Written by Shelby Baldwin
Updated over a week ago

Note: We use "Program" and "Member" as label-agnostic terms to refer to any marketing you are using Buzzbassador to facilitate, whether you refer to it as an affiliate program, influencer marketing, ambassador program, referral program, creator partnerships, brand reps, partner program, etc.

The member application form is what you use to collect applicants for your program. Once people fill out this form, you can accept them into any tier of your program, which would import them into your Buzzbassador account in order to generate their code and begin tracking their sales.

It's important that you are able to customize this form to ask whatever questions you'd like. You can ask about their follower count, why they want to be a member, anything! Then, you can share this form to start promoting your program.

How to Create Your Member Application Form

1. Navigate to the Application Form page

2. Customize the Form Design

In this first section, you can upload an image from your files or drag and drop an image into the area provided. You can use the color picker by entering a HEX color code value for your desired accent color into the field, or by clicking on the color block to the left of the color code field to find and select a custom accent color.

ACCENT IMAGE NOTE: The recommended dimensions of the accent image are 460px X 550px. Please note that your image may be scaled bigger or smaller on certain pages depending on your website's layout, as well as the length of the form (i.e. how many custom questions you add, how long your custom form and success page text is, etc.). For this reason, we recommend choosing an image that will look great even if part of the image is cut off due to being scaled larger within the image area (i.e. images with no text or logos).

Beside the Featured Image, you'll see two input fields where you can add your Application Header Title and a Description in the Form Text section. Both your header title and description will be visible to the members on each page of the form (except the Success page), so make sure it's correct!

3. Add your own questions

The Form Questions section of the editor is where you can include pre-existing questions and add your own custom question and text elements onto your application form.

Account Section

There are a few questions in this section such as first name, last name, email address, PayPal account email, and preferred referral code. These uneditable questions in the Account section are required for all members as that is the information we need to create their Buzzbassador account.

For instance, the Preferred referral code question can not be edited or removed; it MUST be present in your application in order for the automatic referral code generation system to work. You can read more about how this question & our referral code function works in this article.

It's also important to note that the help text in this question (Ex. "John15") cannot be edited, but it is dynamic - meaning, it will update based on the discount rate that your members' codes deduct. For example, if your program's default Referral Rule is set to offer 20% off, the help text will say, "Tanya20", so that your members enter their codes using the correct number.

As for the PayPal account email question, members don't have to have a PayPal to have a Buzzbassador account. They are instructed on the form to enter "N/A" if they do not have PayPal. However, this question is required to be in the form (and included by default) so that our system can connect your members' PayPal account to their Buzzbassador accounts in the event that you do use our PayPal Payout integration to pay your members.

Choose from the pre-existing questions

You’ll see a list of optional pre-existing questions: Phone number, Birthday, Mailing Address, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. The pre-existing questions will populate on the Profile Section of your member application form.

These pre-existing questions are there as a default because the data from these questions will populate other parts of the app.

Even though we do recommend including these questions, ultimately they are optional. If you’d like to remove them, all you need to do is make sure the boxes of the questions you don’t want are not checked (as pictured in the screenshot above).

Add your own elements

Any question or text element added will populate onto the Survey page of your live application form. To add a question or text element, you just need to drag and drop elements from the right side of the application editor. For example, I just added this Header element (in the screenshot below).

Now that an element is added to the form, you'll see an edit icon appear to the top right of the element when you hover your mouse over it. To edit the element, click that icon.

Once you're looking at the element editor: In the “Label” blank, type what you want the question (or text, if you're using the Header or Paragraph element) to say. Then, click the "Close" button at the bottom.

Now let's say you're working with a multiple-choice question, like the "Checkbox Group", "Radio Group", or "Select elements. In these cases, you will also need to add the options for your applicants to choose from when they’re answering the question.

To do this, just open the element editor again, and find where it says “Options”. The field on the left side is what your members will see. The field on the right side is what you will see internally when you’re viewing the completed applications. It’s probably easiest to just make both blanks the same, to ensure that you are able to easily decipher what a member selected for the question.

Once you add all of your options, your members will then be able to select one or more of the answers (for the "Checkbox Group"), or only one answer ("Radio Group" and "Select").

It’s important to note that for any element, you can require an answer to the question by checking the box at the top where it says "Required".

For some elements, you can also add help text that will appear directly under the question on the application form.

There are also other elements you can work with beyond just questions and Header/Paragraph text, such as a date field, a numbers-only field, and even a short-form or long-form text submission field. Feel free to play around with those as well!

4. Customize the Form Success Page Text

Similar to the Form Text section, you can add a Header Title and Description on your Success page.

The Success page is the furthest a member can go without being approved. So, we recommend providing a message that lets them know that they should be receiving an email about the status of their application whenever they are approved and how to reach your brand in the event the member has a question.

5. Save your changes

Now that you’ve built your application form, make sure you save your changes by clicking the yellow "Save" button in the menu at the top of the application form editor.

And that's it! Your application form is ready to go. Read about how you can test your member application form here.

What if I have multiple program tiers?

If you have multiple program tiers, you may be thinking - do I need to create an application form for each tier? The answer is no! We built this function so that all of your members can funnel through one application form, keeping it simple and easy for you. All you need to do to keep your applicants separated for each tier is to simply designate which tier you want to accept your applicants into after they fill out the form. You can read more about this process here.

Want to remove "Powered by Buzzbassador"? You can upgrade your subscription plan to the "Build" plan or higher to remove this branding.

If you need any further help, please don't hesitate to send us a chat at the bottom right corner of your app screen, or email us at [email protected].

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