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How To Use The Klaviyo Integration

Details on how the Klaviyo integration works and how to best configure the data synced by Buzzbassador

Shelby Baldwin avatar
Written by Shelby Baldwin
Updated over 5 months ago

If you have configured your Buzzbassador <> Klaviyo integration, the next step is to know how it works and how to use it. This article will walk you through:

  • How the Klaviyo integration works

  • How to use Klaviyo's Segments feature to organize the data from Buzzbassador

  • How to use your new Segments to engage members and applicants

How the Klaviyo Integration Works

In order to understand how the Klaviyo integration works, you first need to understand the 4 key functionalities of Klaviyo that Buzzbassador relies on:

Definitions To Know

  1. PROFILES - Klaviyo Profiles are like a contact, but more robust. They are used to keep track of all the information you have about each person in your Klaviyo audience (customers, prospects, or in this case, your Buzzbassador members and applicants). Learn more about Klaviyo Profiles.

  2. PROPERTIES - Klaviyo Properties define certain pieces of information about each Profile. There are default Klaviyo properties, like name and email address, and there are custom properties that can be created by each Klaviyo user or their third-party apps (like Buzzbassador). Learn more about Klaviyo Properties.

  3. ACTIVITY LOG - Klaviyo can track the actions and engagements of each Profile, such as when they subscribe to your emails, when they place an order, or other custom tracked activities like those that come from Buzzbassador. Learn more about the Klaviyo Activity Log.

  4. SEGMENTS - Klaviyo allows you to organize and segment your Profiles into groups based on their shared Properties or Activities. You can then use these Segments to target certain communications to specific groups of people that have similar characteristics or behaviors. Learn more about Klaviyo Segments.

Now that you understand the building blocks of the Buzzbassador <> Klaviyo integration, we'll use those to build the full picture of how to use it.


Buzzbassador creates Profiles for each of your members and applicants

Every person who applies for your Buzzbassador program or becomes an active member (either via application form or import) will have a Profile created for them in Klaviyo. This Profile creation in Klaviyo happens automatically as soon as the person is added to your Buzzbassador account, either as a member or applicant.

To see all your Klaviyo Profiles, including those Buzzbassador has created for you through the integration, navigate to Klaviyo and go to Audience > Profiles.


Buzzbassador creates and dynamically manages Properties for each Profile

For every individual member and applicant in the program, Buzzbassador automatically generates and updates specific properties associated with their profiles in Klaviyo. All of the Buzzbassador-created properties start with "buzz_" to help you identify them. On a Klaviyo Profile, they look like this:

*Keep in mind the Values differ based on each profile

Below, we'll break down each Buzzbassador-created Property and what it means.

Property Key

Possible Property Values

Property Value Definitions (based on Klaviyo Profile's Buzzbassador activity)


true or false

true = Profile is an active (approved) member in Buzzbassador

false = Profile is either a pending applicant, a declined applicant, or a deleted member


true or false

true or false

true = Profile's Buzzbassador application was declined or they were deleted as an active member

false = Profile is either a pending applicant or an active (approved) member


true or false

true = Profile has submitted a Buzzbassador application that is not yet approved nor declined

false = Profile is either an active (approved) member, a declined applicant, or a deleted member


X (any whole number)

X equals the total number of all-time, reward-eligible sales the member has generated for you (i.e. # of orders placed with with their referral code).


true or false

true = Profile has generated enough referral sales in the last 7 days to be in the top 10 sales leaderboard in Buzzbassador (based on the 'Last 7 Days' date range of the leaderboard)

false = Profile is not ranked on your Buzzbassador 'Last 7 Days' sales leaderboard

Activity Log

Buzzbassador dynamically updates a member's (or applicant's) Klaviyo Profile's Activity Log with events that happen related to their Buzzbassador account

Each time one of the above properties is updated in Klaviyo, it's because an Activity happened that triggered that update. In addition to updating the property itself, we also log the Activity in the Profile's Activity Log. This ends up looking something like this:

This is important because every individual logged Activity with its own unique timestamp can be used to Segment/organize your Profiles and target your communication. These Activities are available for you to use in addition to the static Properties we create, which are not attached to any time.

If you're confused about the difference between Properties and Activities and why each one is useful in different ways, think of Properties as facts and Activities as the context/details around the facts. You could also think of Properties as a Profile's characteristics, whereas Activities are its behaviors.

This understanding will be important in the next step, which is where the magic happens!


You create custom Segments to organize and target the Profiles, Properties, and Activities Buzzbassador creates and syncs

In the above section, we covered how the integration itself works - that is everything that Buzzbassador takes care of automatically. But, that doesn't mean that's all there is to the integration - there is a lot more that can be done to leverage this integration to its full potential!

The rest is up to you - and that is by design. Every merchant has their own unique needs. We wanted to give you the data you need, but let you use it how you need it most. From here on out, we will be guiding you with advice and best practices on how to use the Buzzbassador data you now have in Klaviyo, but none of these use cases are required.

How to Create Useful Segments From The Buzzbassador Data in Klaviyo

Set up targeted communications to certain groups of your Buzzbassador members & applicants

The main way we recommend organizing the Buzzbassador data you now have in Klaviyo is with the Segments functionality. With Segments, you can split up your Buzzbassador members and applicants into groups based on various factors, and because we are constantly updating their Profiles, Properties, and Activity Log, these Segments will update dynamically.

First, here's how to create a Segment in Klaviyo.

1. Navigate to Segments

Log in to your Klaviyo account and navigate to the "Segments" section. You can find this in the left-hand sidebar under the "Lists & Segments" tab.

2. Create a Segment

Click on the "Create List/Segment" button to initiate the process of building a new segment.

Click on 'Segment'.

3. Name and Define your Segment

In this step, you will name and define the criteria for your Segment.

For the name, choose whatever makes sense based on what purpose the Segment will serve.

For example, if you make a segment for all your Buzzbassador-related contacts (members, applicants, and declined applicants/deleted members), you could call it "All Buzzbassador Contacts"

For the "Tags" field you see to the right of the "Name" field, there is nothing required to add here. Feel free to leave it blank.

The most important part of setting up the Segment is the Definition section.

There are a variety of filters and conditions to choose from. As we've discussed in previous sections, Buzzbassador syncs Properties and Activities for all of your members and applicants.

How to Segment Based on Properties

To Define a segment based on Properties, in the "Select a condition" field, select, "Properties about someone."

Once you've made this selection, you will see more fields appear, like this:

Next, you will set the Dimension(s) of this Definition of the Segment. Since you made this Definition about Properties, in the "Dimension" field, you will need to select which property or properties you'll want to use to define this Segment.

*Remember, all Buzzbassador-created Properties will start with "buzz_". So, to easily find all the Properties from Buzzbassador when setting the Dimension, just search "buzz" in the Dimension drop down search bar, and they'll all appear, like this:

You can then select a Property from the dropdown, and choose which Value you want Profiles to have for that Property in order for them to be included in that Segment. For example:

This Definition, pictured above, would create a Segment that includes all of your approved (active) Buzzbassador members.

*Note: The "Boolean" type just means that it's a true/false property. Ignore that field.

How to Segment Based on Activities

To Define a segment based on Activities, in the "Select a condition" field, select, "What someone has done (or not done)".

Once you've made this selection, you will see more fields appear, like this:

Next, you will set the Metric(s) of this Definition of the Segment. Since you made this Definition about Activities, in the "Choose metric..." field, you will need to select which activity or activities you'll want to use to define this Segment.

*Remember, all Buzzbassador-created Activities will start with "Buzz. So, to easily find all the Activities from Buzzbassador when setting the Metric(s), just search "Buzz" in the Dimension drop down search bar, and they'll all appear, like this:

You can then select an Activity from the dropdown, and choose which frequency and time range you want to use to filter which Profiles should be included in this Segment, based on how often and when they completed that Activity. For example:

This Definition, pictured above, would create a Segment that includes any of your active members who have generated at least one sale with their referral code in the last 30 days.

4. Publish the Segment

After setting the Segment criteria, review your settings to ensure they accurately reflect the group you want to create. Once you are satisfied, click on the 'Create Segment' button to create and activate the segment.

Here's where we get to the cool part!

How to Use Segments to Engage Your Members and Applicants

Now that you know how to create a Segment, you can replicate those steps to create whichever and as many Segments as you want.

You can then use those segments to target your email campaigns, automated Klaviyo Flows, SMS campaigns, and more! The possibilities are nearly endless.

We'll start you off by giving some ideas of Segments to create and use cases for each. (Again, none of these Segments are required, but they can be used to your advantage!)

10 examples of Segments you can set up that we commonly recommend

1. Approved Buzzbassador Members (All)

Purpose: Segment all of your currently active (approved) members.

Use Case Example: Have a specific social media campaign, product launch, or upcoming sale you want your ambassadors to know about? Use this Segment to communicate that to them. You can even give them specific graphics or assets to use to promote you with when the time comes.

How to Define/Set up:

2. Newly Approved Buzzbassador Members (Last 30 Days)

Purpose: Segment your members that were approved recently, only in the last 30 days.

Use Case Example: This Segment is a great way to engage your recently approved members beyond just what the 'You're Approved' email in Buzzbassador does. You could use this email to send them any extra resources they need as a new member, or set up a Flow that has them sign terms & conditions, coordinate the shipment of a welcome gift package (product seeding), and more, all in their first 30 days!

How to Define/Set up:

3. Pending Buzzbassador Applicants

Purpose: Segment all of the people who have submitted an application for your program in Buzzbassador and have not been approved or declined yet.

Use Case Example: Let's say you want your applicants to take some sort of action while they wait for their application to be reviewed, like follow you on Instagram, or browse your website. You can use this Segment to send engagement emails to people on this list every few days while they wait to be approved (or rejected).

How to Define/Set up:

4. Recently Submitted Buzzbassador Applicants (Last 30 Days)

Purpose: Segment all of the people who have submitted an application for your program recently, in the last 30 days, and have not been approved or declined yet.

Use Case Example: Again, this is a great way to engage your pending applicants, but in an even more targeted way than #3 because it only focuses on new/recent applicants.

How to Define/Set up:

5. Removed from Buzzbassador

Purpose: Segment of all the people who have either had their application declined or have been an active member previously, but since have been deleted.

Use Case Example: Once you delete a member in Buzzbassador or decline their application, they are removed from your Buzzbassador account forever. But, you may want to still stay in touch with them! Maybe you want to keep them in the loop of your store promotions or send them a nudge email in a few months asking if they'd be interested in joining your program again. You can use this Segment to communicate with them.

How to Define/Set up:

6. Buzzbassador Members With 0 Sales (All Time)

Purpose: Segment of all the members in your program(s) who have not yet generated any reward-eligible sales with their referral code.

Use Case Example: This Segment provides a great way to give these people the extra push they need to be successful. You could set up automated, regular emails to this Segment with curated tips on how to be generate more sales, like reminders to share their code, guidelines on how to talk about your products, content ideas, etc.

How to Define/Set up:

7. Buzzbassador Members With 0 Sales in Last 30 Days

Purpose: Segment of all the members who may have generated sales in the past, but have not generated any sales in the last 30 days.

Use Case Example: Again, this Segment is a great way to nudge and engage people who are not performing how you'd like, but it's even more dynamic than #4 because it bases the Segmentation on a recent, dynamic time frame (30 days).

How to Define/Set up:

8. Buzzbassador Members With At Least 1 Sale (All Time)

Purpose: Segment all members who have ever generated at least one sale with their referral code.

Use Case Example: This is an easy way to target those who you know are capable of bringing in sales, and engage/mobilize them to do it again. Use this Segment to send emails that keep these people motivated, engaged, and happy.

How to Define/Set up:

9. Active Buzzbassador Sales Generators Last 30 Days

Purpose: Segment all members who have generated at least one sale in the last 30 days.

Use Case Example: Again, this Segment is a great way to motivate and engage people who you know can perform, and it's even more dynamic and targeted than #6 because it bases the Segmentation on a recent, dynamic time frame (30 days).

How to Define/Set up:

10. Top 10 Buzzbassador Performers Last 7 Days

Purpose: Segment the members who have generated enough sales in the last 7 days to rank in the top 10 leaderboard on your Buzzbassador dashboard (only works for 'Last 7 Days' date range of leaderboard).

Use Case Example: Congratulate or reward the members that have made enough sales to be on your leaderboard! Positive reinforcement is a great way to motivate and engage your members to generate even more sales.

How to Define/Set up:

There are 10 examples to get you started! Now, you can let your creativity run wild and create any other segments you can think of, and use Klaviyo Flows, Campaigns, SMS, and other tools to activate them.

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